Friday office closures

Some WVC offices now closed Friday afternoons

With fewer employees because of budget reductions, Wenatchee Valley College will close some offices to the public on Friday afternoons starting March 6, 2009.

"This will make us more efficient, allowing staff members to catch up on tasks such as processing admission packets, financial aid and other services for students," said Marco Azurdia, vice president of student development.

The cashiering, financial aid, registration, educational planning and testing offices will be closed on Fridays from noon to 5 p.m., the lightest student traffic volume of the week.  All of these offices are located on the first floor of Wenatchi Hall. They will still be open Friday mornings, and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays.

"We want to provide the best service we can for our students," said Azurdia. "By setting aside some time, our staff members can fully concentrate on projects like processing applications and other tasks that require skilled concentration to complete."

Azurdia said at colleges where the practice has been adopted, managers report an increase in efficiency.

 Posted March 4, 2009
